Construction supervision at hazardous production facilities to check the work performed for compliance with design documentation
Loss adjusting is a service for settling losses
Survey is the detailed inspection and risk assessment

Construction supervision

LLC “CENTER OF PRODUCTION EXPERT REVIEW” conducts construction supervision at hazardous production facilities to check the work performed for compliance with design documentation, technical regulations (codes and rules) requirements, engineering surveys results, requirements of land plot development plan and other requirements set forth in project documentation and legal acts of the RF subjects.

Loss adjusting

The experts from LLC “CENTER OF PRODUCTION EXPERT REVIEW” are always guided by freedom of judgment and independence in terms of their professional conclusions based on the requirements of current regulations and other legal acts.


LLC “CENTER OF PRODUCTION EXPERT REVIEW” performs pre-risk surveys of the asset portfolio of the Company for the purposes of all risks property insurance including machinery and equipment breakdown.

Completed projects

Participation in loss in loss adjustment: damage to railway tracks and railway wagons

Participation in loss in loss adjustment: damage to railway tracks and railway wagons

Survey of large diameter pipes at Temporary storage facility

Survey of large diameter pipes  at Temporary storage facility

Participation in marine operations related to installation of the living quarters topside (PZhM)

Participation in marine operations related to installation of the living quarters topside (PZhM)

Participation in marine operations related to transportation of the living quarters topside (PZhM)

Participation in marine operations related to transportation of the living quarters topside (PZhM)


Over the years, more than 30 companies across Russia have become our partners. We are proud of the fact that companies such as:
Gazprom Pererabotka
Gazprom Blagoveshenk
Alfa Bank